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Matayoshi Kobudo - Bennetts Karate Affilliated Dojo

Matayoshi Kobudo is a Okinawan kobudo style headed by the current soke of the Matayoshi Family, Matayoshi Yasushi.
Matayoshi Yasushi is the head of the family dojo referred to as the Kodokan. The Kodokan Headquarters is located in Naha - Okinawa, Japan.

Richard and Heather Bennett are both affiliated instructors of Matayoshi Kobudo and regularly visit Okinawa for instruction.
Richard Bennett has a number of member instructors and charter dojo that are affiliated to Bennetts Karate. These schools maintain membership to Bennetts Karate and are presently active teachers that continually train in Okinawa.

Dojo Charter Membership Criteria:
Members must be paying dues to the association each year through Richard Bennett.
Instructors must make training trips to Colorado to train at Bennetts Karate, or attend Matayoshi Kobudo seminars during the year to maintain activity.
Dojo Charter/Instructor Levels for Testing:
Probationary Status - Students that teach that are not black belt level, but are charter members.
Assistant Instructor Level 1 - given at 1st degree black belt, instructors can test students on their own up to rokkyu.
Assistant Instructor Level 2 - given at 2nd degree black belt, instructors can test students on their own up to yonkyu.
Full Instructor Level - given at 3rd degree black belt, instructors can test students on their own up to ikkyu.
Dojo Charter Membership Affiliations Under Richard Bennett
Mark Huff, 5th dan - Full Instructor
Twin Pines Authentic Kobudo located in Wales, WI
Anderson's Martial Arts Center located in Madison, WI
Heather Bennett, 3rd dan - Full Instructor
Kobudo Instructor at Bennetts Karate, and Erie Community Center
Maelo Maldonado, 3rd dan - Full Instructor
Instructor location: Fargo, North Dakota
Arron Wallace, 2nd dan - Assistant Instructor Level 2
Samuel Wallace, 2nd dan - Assistant Instructor Level 2
Longmont Wado Kai Karate located in Longmont, CO
Mustafa Al-Nimr, Gokyu - Probationary Status
Instructor Location: Kalamazoo, MI
If you are interested in training in Matayoshi Kobudo, you can contact Richard Bennett or other dojo charter members/instructors that are located near you.
Bennetts Karate has students, instructors and contacts around the country; New York, North Carolina, Idaho, Nebraska, Michigan, North Dakota, Colorado, and Wisconsin.
If you wanted to join us online, contact the dojo for more information.
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